Wizard101 What Triggers May Cast Gardening Pixie
Category Archives: Wizard101 on a Budget
18 Pink Dandelions
May 5, 2016Kingsisle is running Plant-a-Palooza from today through Sunday, May 8. If you're thinking about starting a garden or would like to try a new crop (or three 🙂 ), this is a great time to get some Crown seeds. Many seeds are on sale for 50% off, the Seed Vault is 25% off and Moolinda's Green Thumb pack (gardening treasure cards) is slightly more than 50% off.
One kind of odd thing is the publicity about the event features a Pink Laugh-o-Dil, which isn't a Crown seed plant. You buy it from Marley (Mooshu) or Roger the Shrubber (Avalon) for gold. A little surprising they didn't feature one of the types of plants that are actually on sale.
I'm continuing to be hopeful another Double Garden Rewards event will occur before long since we've had three Double Pet Rewards events since the last gardening one. If you're willing to take that gamble, you can buy half the number of seeds you'd like to have and then double that number when you get to elder harvest during Double Garden Rewards.
Double Pet Rewards… AGAIN
For the third time this year KI is offering Double Pet Rewards this weekend. You get double XP for both playing games and feeding snacks. I've gone pretty much "ho hum" about anything to do with bothering to train pets and I'm basking in the Marin County sun and beauty, so I doubt I'll participate.
In the meantime, there's only been one double garden rewards event this year so far and I could really use those double drops and seeds.
I did finally realize that the pet rewards pretty much just encourage people to buy energy and pay for mega snacks without causing KI to lose Crown sales opportunities. Since the double garden days give you twice the seeds for even Crown seeds, KI may lose some profit (I know I've expanded my gardens with those extra seeds–though I'd have just farmed for seeds rather than buying them in the Crown Shop) even though doing extra gardening to maximize those doubled rewards often takes buying some energy elixir. And a few times I bought some Crown seeds because of the event so I could try to double that number. But the Pet events may make a bigger profit than the Garden ones…
Wonder how long we have to wait to get another Double Garden Rewards event??? In the meantime, if you still imagine you can gain something by spending time on pet training, enjoy this weekend!
Tips for conserving energy in gardening
Three medium area patches, one pest spell
Like oil's status in the world as an energy source, energy in the spiral is the rare resource that needs to be conserved. Since the money from all those millions of memberships plus crowns is apparently not enough for KI, selling energy at every possible turn is the name of the game.
Fortunately they've also given those of us who can't afford to endlessly pay for energy elixirs a few ways to participate in gardening, pet training and fishing without purchasing energy. The big thing is that the energy refills over time so if you can confine your use to the energy you have at the moment, you can let it refill while you go live your life for a while.
We just can't do all the energy-requiring activities at the scale of those who buy energy elixir at the drop of a hat. Refilling is a very slow way to get energy except at level-up moments and if you have to rely on refills, you need to learn how to use energy carefully so you can get the most out of it.
Energy also automatically refills every time you level up, so when you get close to leveling, you can use all your energy for gardening, keep questing till you hit the next level, then train a pet or fish. Or train a pet till you run out of energy then level up then train some more… This is especially handy in the lower levels where you can level up fast, so take advantage with new and low level wizards; I sometimes create and delete wizards just to take advantage of the fast leveling and do pet training.
You can also earn energy elixir at Freeki Games playing Grub Guardian. For some reason the game makes no sense to me and the many guides to playing at a high enough level to win the elixirs read to me as if they're in Greek; I don't find anything about Grub Guardian to be enough fun to learn it. But if you are good at this little game, it's apparently a nice way to keep supplied in energy elixir.
In gardening, there are a few things you can do to help conserve energy. For me, the first issue is making sure my gardens suit the amount of energy my wizard has. That means not only that the garden's needs can be met within the limits of base energy plus any energy gear but also that the total number of plants in any given patch can be planted (at 2 energy points per seed planted) within those limits.
The big, three-tiered, 69-plot mega gardens many people love to grow require an energy refill every time you re-plant, so I don't create them. They require 138 points to fill with plants (69 at 2 points per seed to plant) which, until the very highest levels, is way beyond the energy you can acquire even with the best energy gear. See previous post for more on this.
Stacking is still a good way to fit a maximum number of plants within the large area spells (i.e. one spell takes care of many plants), but I only do two tiers and gardens of 40-52 plots*, which is the maximum I can plant at once. I also like doing 18 small and 12 medium plot patches, both of which fit medium area spells. Fitting a lot of plants within one large or one medium area spell saves a bunch of energy. See here for info on gardens for mid-level wizards that stay within their energy.
Over time I've learned a few more tricks and KI, in adding gardening TCs at the Bazaar this year, has provided a couple of helpful ways to conserve energy.
- Starting at Celestia, there are pest spells available that keep pests away for 48 or 96 hours, so you don't have to keep using energy to get rid of pests. They're also available as gardening TCs which means you can use them long before getting to Celestia. The Pest Zapper (not trained till Zafaria**), for instance, keeps away rank 1 and 2 pests for 48 hours and takes 15 energy points. For five more points than Gusty Winds, the one-shot pest spell for rank 2 which must be cast at least once a day, you can go two days without casting another pest spell. That means for those two days you have a little extra energy left with which to fish or play a couple of pet games. The 96 hour spell (which appears to be available only as a TC) costs 20 energy points and is also larger than the normal large-area spells so you can group a couple of patches together and, for four days, keep pests off two areas that would normally both each require a pest spell every day. The Pest Zapper TC tends to be always in stock at the Bazaar; the Massive Pest Zapper is harder to get.
- Needs occur with kind of mysterious frequency, so sometimes I go in and every patch has every need plus pests, which, for many of my wizards, takes pretty much all energy. Other times only some of the needs have occurred and there's a decent chunk of energy left. At those times, if the 48/96 hour pest spell is over, I cast another even if there are no pests at the moment. If I get these cast when there's energy left, then for the next couple of days there'll be some energy left over for pets (I don't fish, but for that too) or, if needed another Summon Pixie.
- I also use Summon Pixie (it puts a pixie on the plant you cast it on for 48 hours–a like for I think all plants that's picked up by everything in the patch) which requires a hefty 25 points, so I use those extra energy moments to add pixies; in many of my gardens I don't have enough energy to meet all needs and still cast 25 or 50 points worth of pixies so timing matters. In spite of the hefty energy cost, the spell only lasts for 48 hours so most plants require casting it at least twice, some of them three or four times, to keep a pixie "like" going throughout the life of the plants. It can be a challenge to have enough energy left after needs to add another pixie, so take advantage of the moments when you've got some extra energy.
- The gardening TCs at the Bazaar include spells for all indoor or all outdoor plants. For instance, if I have a large-area patch of King Parsley, which requires music, and a large-area patch of Evil Magma Peas both growing outside at one of my houses (for me pretty much always Red Barn Farm), which also requires music, I can cast one Flute Symphony and clear the music need for every plant in both patches. It takes the same 15 energy points as a large area spell, so this basically saves 15 points of energy (without it, I'd have to cast one 15 point large-area spell over the Parsleys and one over the EMPs. For the water and music "all indoor/all outdoor" cards you may have to sit at the Bazaar refreshing the garden spell tab for a while. The one for bees (Zounds) shows up much more often for some reason and the one for sun (Supreme Sunlight) slightly more often, but the water and music are hard to catch. These spells are a great way to conserve energy and I'm now planning which types of plants to grow at the same time based on overlapping needs that let me use those all indoor or outdoor spells.
Every time I go to the Bazaar with every wizard, I spend a few minutes refreshing that garden tab and grabbing as many of the hard-to-get pest and all-indoor-or-outdoor TCs I can for every wizard. It's worth spending a little time to get them as they really help you to conserve that precious energy.
With a little care and attention you can manage quite a bit of gardening and pet training (not so sure about fishing, which in the little I've done seems much more of an energy-eater with little or no result) and stay within the energy you're given for free. Even non-members' energy refills over time–just more slowly–and at leveling up, so everyone can participate.
*I go ahead and create that size even for wizards who don't have enough energy to fill it. They might only plant, say, 30 at a time (for a wizard with only 65 energy). That way as the wizard levels up and gets more energy, the garden is already set for adding more plants which means I don't have to keep tearing down and rebuilding. I've done so well at stocking mega snacks, treasure cards and reagents plus constantly hitting the gold maximum that I have no plans to create larger gardens when and if I have a level 110.
**Zafaria is where KI started making it impossible for a lower level wizard to port to someone and train higher level gardening spells. Starting in Zafaria the gardener doesn't appear until you've done a chunk of the first quests so you can't get any of those spells until you have the spiral key for that world and start the quests. Same thing in Avalon, except you can't see the gardener until far into the world.
Posted in Gardening, Uncategorized, Wizard 101, Wizard 101 basics, Wizard101 Basics, Wizard101 on a Budget
Tags: Wizard 101 Basics, Wizard101, Wizard101 beginning gardening, wizard101 energy, wizard101 medium area spells, wizard101 small plot stacked garden
Heather in Beastmaster gear with Greenwarden Boots
Pack-a-Palooza is back starting today and going through Feb. 7, 2016. Pretty much all packs are on sale, many for 50% off and they've brought back a bunch of holiday packs, which are also on sale.
I keep swearing off the packs, but when they're on sale, it's hard to resist. I've wanted a Deer Knight pet and have tried several times to get one via Harrowing Nightmare packs. Lots of junk. No luck on the pet. Last time I got a bunch of other pets, this time really just junk… Only bought a few, probably won't bother to try for more.
I spent a long frustrating time today trying to figure out which pack has Beastmaster gear. I knew I'd gotten extra gear from buying some packs in the past but couldn't remember which pack. On line it's hard to find. The wiki pages on the gear don't mention any packs as a possible source and all the bloggers I could find who've written guides to energy gear just say you have to buy the set in the Crown Shop. Finally figured out it's Purreau's Plentiful Pet Provisions that can give you the gear–in separate pieces, not as a set– and managed to get a pair of Beastmaster boots for my third account* from buying only a couple of the packs.
In the past I've had decent luck with getting a few pieces of energy gear from Wyvern's Hoard packs, but you can waste a lot of crowns on buying packs sometimes to get something you want. I've definitely lucked out on getting some normally-expensive mounts and pets and gear from packs without buying nearly as many packs as the cost of the items if purchased in the crown shop–but if I've been trying for something specific I've sometimes dropped a few thousand crowns without ever getting what I was after… [The pets have usually been the wrong school and I've bought mounts for gold for all my characters, so haven't needed those…]
If you have some crowns to spend, these sales are a good time to try your luck.
*I've had a pretty low-level wizard on the third account growing King Parsley for amber while the two higher-level, permanent wizards continue with big crops of Evil Magma Peas. Trouble is her low-level energy limits how many seeds she can plant without buying energy or running off to level up in the middle of planting…
Whew! Gardening marathon over
1/26/16. While, on the one hand, I'd have loved an extra day or two to get elder harvests from some slower growing plants, on the other hand, I'm relieved to be done with the extra attention to gardening (during these events I have more wizards tending gardens and for some, bigger gardens than usual).
I did pretty well this time. Several wizards had Evil Magma Peas reach elder harvest quite early in the event and were able to get another round to elder harvest by the end, so my mega snack supply is pretty nicely replenished. Since I quit gardening for a while and there was a Double Pet Rewards event, I hatched and trained my way through a huge amount of snacks.
As often seems to happen, the first account, which is already more well endowed and stocked, etc. did better than the third account, which is the one that could have seriously used a massive influx of snacks, reagents, etc. But I got elder harvests on all three accounts, which seriously helped with mega snacks, .
Doubled my Sword Fern seeds on the second account to 24 (which, thanks to the 12 I've been growing, is supplying blade TCs to all three accounts. [For that account I trade them over to one of the other accounts and then trade them back to whichever wizard needs them.]
Got some extra Braided Vine and Amber. Which is still pretty tiny amounts… but will help for Seed Vaults and, as more wizards level up, crafting spells. Replenished my Pink Dandelion seeds somewhat — those Seed Vaults really burn through them! — but I can see a bunch of Charmed Slaves battles in the future if I keep crafting those Vaults. Wish I could pass a couple to my third account, as I've not had luck with getting Silver Trumpet Vine drops, so won't be getting any Braided Vine.
For all of this, I only bought energy elixir for two wizards — one time each — so they could plant more seeds all at once. Otherwise, I still grow gardens only with numbers of plots and plant needs I can plant and care for within the limits of energy (including some energy gear). If you're playing on a budget and you plan carefully you can do very well without having to use energy elixir — and these Double Garden Reward events really help.
I've set a higher goal for the amount of mega snacks I'd like the growing wizards* to keep on hand (obviously moving up and down with training and harvests) and how much I'd like to have in the Shared Bank and I still haven't reached it. Leaves a dilemma about gardening for the next few weeks. I'd like to let all the gardens "go fallow" as the elder harvests arrive and step away from gardening for a while but I'd also like to have a bigger store of snacks when I do… We'll see.
In the meantime, I'm so grateful for the Double Rewards events — I'm thinking it was just last January they started???– and what a boon they are to gardening and harvesting, pet training, etc.
*For the most part only a couple of the highest level wizards on each account do the major gardening, though I start gardening with all of them at level 12 and occasionally I have some lower level wizard grow one crop. For instance, right now I'm feeling a need to get more amber so I have a couple of lower levels growing just King Parsley (with a couple of other liked plants) while the girls with more energy grow larger crops for mega snacks.
Posted in Gardening, Two Account Advantage, Uncategorized, Wizard 101, Wizard 101 basics, Wizard101 Basics, Wizard101 on a Budget
Tags: Wizard 101 Basics, Wizard101, WIzard101 Double Garden Rewards, Wizard101 gardening, Wizard101 Mega Snacks
More double garden days-hurry, it's short
1/22/16. Double garden rewards started today and run through Monday. You get double XP, double gold, double drops — whether snacks, reagents, housing items or treasure cards, you get double. It's for members only so I've signed up the third account for one month (there was some kind of discount so it started at $6.95 (the price when you have another member account) and came down to something like $5.27. Well worth it, I think, to get the extra seeds, drops, and, especially, mega snacks.*
Four days is a little short for getting full advantage. Unless you already have things planted, there are only a few seeds you can plant and get to elder harvest that quickly. If you have all the likes, there's a chance to complete Evil Magma Peas, and Couch Potatoes in that amount of time if you planted early today. Slim chance if you run off and plant right now… Regular Tiger Lilies and Snap Dragons mature pretty quickly so there's a shot that you could still plant them and get to elder harvest in time.
I've been back having 2-3 wizards on each account gardening quite a bit the last couple of weeks as I had a notion it was about time for another double gardening event and I could really use doubling my mega snack harvests. On a couple of accounts I've doubled seeds so many times I think I'll be feeding a lot of seeds to pets…
I was fortunate to have a couple of big patches of EMPs reach elder harvest on my first pass into the gardens, early-ish in the day. Means there's achance for a second elder harvest (fingers crossed). On the other hand, I was unfortunate enough to have a crop of Silver Trumpet Vines reach elder harvest yesterday (Thursday). Newly replanted, there's just about no chance they'll reach elder harvest while the double rewards are happening. I'm mainly growing them for braided vine to use in crafting Seed Vaults, so the mature harvests I will be able to get won't give me what I need. Plus I COULD use doubling the seeds for those, and that won't happen either.
There are a bunch of seeds I've planted at various different points that would have to have been planted several days to a week before this event started to have any hope of reaching elder harvest in time: White Tiger Lily, Deadly Ninja Fig, Sword Fern (fortunately I had some planted several days before), King Parsley (had three gardens going and one was at elder when I first brought that wizard in; the other two should get there–fingers crossed for extra amber); Fickle Pickles and the aforementioned Silver Trumpet Vines.
Many more types of seeds I've never planted. If I look them up on the wiki and they (1) don't drop anything I'm interested in or (2) drop things that are also dropped by plants that take less energy to care for, then I sell them or feed them to pets. But you get the idea. With only four days, check on how long they take to reach elder harvest, make sure you've got all the likes for anything you plant and get some crops in while you can. At the least you'll get a regular harvest or two, which can garner a bunch of extra XP, and enough TCs, reagents, etc. to spike your gold supply.
Have fun! [Note: there's a freaky thing happening on this post wherein all the words starting with the letter "f" followed by the letter "i" show up properly spelled in draft or edit mode but the published version keeps switching the f and the i on all those words.]
*Of course now I'll feel I must run Heather G. (Life, level 59) and Alura N. (Death, level 50) through as many quests as I can while I've got the opportunity to go anywhere in the spiral…
Posted in Gardening, Uncategorized, Wizard 101, Wizard 101 basics, Wizard101 Basics, Wizard101 on a Budget
Tags: e's aes CHA, Wizard 101 Basics, Wizard101, Wizard101 beginning gardening, WIzard101 Double Garden Rewards, Wizard101 gardening
Advice for Young Morganthe
The second to last dungeon in Avalon is Ghost Avalon and the second to last –and hardest–battle in it is against Young Morganthe. She's got several cheats that mean it takes some strategy to beat her. For the other battles in here, you could just enter as usual and follow whatever strategy you normally use but for Young Morganthe, it's a good idea to do some research ahead of time and go in prepared.
The cheats:
- She casts a Mammoth right away on the last wizard in (4th if there are 4, etc.)
- If you cast a shield on yourself or a trap (including Prism) on her she unleashes both a Nova and an Earthquake, both of which hit everybody on your team. The Earthquake removes all your shields and blades and then also gives her a small hit of fire without touching her blades.
- Casting a healing spell or an aura spell may also trigger her to cast Mammoth.
- If you hit her with damage but don't kill, that may trigger a Mammoth (since I was working with small enhanced hits, there were lots of hits that didn't kill but I didn't notice her trying to cast an Ice spell that was dispelled)
- If you get up to 8 pips at your feet supposedly she'll cast Mana Burn (taking away all your pips); the one time I accidentally got too many pips on Morgan, Morganthe cast Nova and Earthquake (dispelled) and Morgan kept her pips…
Her cheats include frequently cast spells of Ice, Balance and Myth, even though she's a Death wizard, so part of the prep is purchasing TC Dispels against any of those schools for which you don't have the school spell and making sure you've stocked them in your Treasure side deck. Both of my wizards had eight of each and almost nothing else in the Treasure deck
I also spent quite a lot of thought on what gear to use — with so many schools hitting you, what's the best choice in resistance gear?
Morgan in Death resist gear
I finally chose to emphasize resistance to Death. I figured the Dispels I'd so carefully amassed in my Treasure side deck should keep them from being hit more than once or twice by the Mammoth, Earthquake and Nova spells she uses to cheat. She's Death and uses a LOT of drain spells so I wanted to have high resistance to Death not only to reduce damage to Morgan and Rylee but to also reduce how much health Morganthe could get back.
The gear I put on both wizards:
- Hat: Great Fairy Knight Helm
- Boots: Death Moon's Chosen Gliders
- Robe: Tragic Tunic
- Athame: Grim Hunt's Edge (with a few jewels on it; Rylee had a different one)
- Ring: Vicious Sky's Jade Seal
They wound up with 79% resist to Death and 36% Death critical block. If she'd hit them with an Earthquake, they also had some nice Myth resist. None of the Death spells Morganthe cast did much damage at all (and she got only tiny amounts of health back). With this gear they also give up some damage boosts, accuracy and pips that their normal, level-appropriate gear provides but I found it worth it for this particular cheating boss.
Since she uses Mana Burn on you if you amass 8 pips, you need to set your deck up with a lot of 4 and 5 pip spells–six pips at the most– plus Colossal and some blades and keep casting enhanced lower level damage. This is a big reason I didn't want her to be getting a lot of health back from casting Wraith, Scarecrow, and Vampire on my wizards. For the most part I didn't have to worry about collecting too many pips since the dispels kept eating them.
She cheats and casts both Earthquake and Nova if you cast a trap on her (keep in mind both of those hit EVERYONE on your team) and a Mammoth on anyone who casts a blade. Even if you cast a bunch of Melt (Ice dispel), Vaporize (Myth dispel) and Unbalance (Balance dispel), you need to be careful how many blades and traps you're casting (each one triggers the cheat) or you'll burn through all the dispels and take some big hits. I removed all traps but Feint from my deck and didn't bother adding the TC blades I normally put in for a boss fight. Instead I would put a bunch of dispels on her, cast a blade and a Feint and then hit her. Rylee cast most of the damage, with Colossaled Seraph and Centaur.
Prisms trigger her cheats too, so, since Morgan is a Death wizard, I made use of the Life Mastery Amulet for the account and put only Seraphs in her deck for damage. For both wizards I also stuck in a bunch of Life Imps, mostly so I had unnecessary cards to discard in order to get the dispels into my deck, but I wound up tossing one off here and there just to keep pips down. Left the prisms out of my deck.
Casting an aura spell on yourself may also trigger her to cast Mammoth, so I just left the aura spells out of my deck.
For many many rounds all I did was cast dispels. Since none of those were from my schools (I did this one with both Rylee (Life) and Morgan (Death)), they burned through power pips. Sometimes I had Morgan keep casting dispels while Rylee hit or vice versa. With enough dispels up, I could cast my blades, and Feint and occasionally a shield without getting hit by any of her cheats. It helped that both my wizards were casting only Life spells so every hit was boosted.
Casting a heal spell can also trigger a Mammoth cast so I brought a couple of back up Heal spells but equipped them both with pets who cast heals. Pet spells don't trigger any of her cheats and one of those pets also casts a blade and the other a trap, so the pets took care of healing and also added to damage by casting the blade and trap. I never had to cast a Heal.
For some reason I had trouble with both wizards getting the Unbalance spells to show up when I discarded and drew from the Treasure deck, so I did get hit several times by Nova when Morganthe had gone through all the Unbalance I'd cast, but other than the first Mammoth she always casts at the last wizard in, I never got hit by a Mammoth or an Earthquake in spite of casting a lot of blades, shields, and some Feints. She hadn't used up all the Melt and Vaporize I had on her by the end even though I triggered lots of attempts to cast her cheats!
I left Minions out of my decks and didn't consider hiring a henchman because they randomly cast blades, shields and traps and I didn't want the extra cheating they would trigger to waste a bunch of my dispels. As mentioned, I did equip them with healing pets, which proved to be very helpful. Morgan's had Unicorn, Spritely and Energizing Battery while Rylee's had Spritely and Unicorn and both of pets cast heals more than once.
I gave serious thought to using Team Up but eventually chose not to take the chance. Generally it works out for me that either (1) I haven't researched and I wind up with level 100s who know the dungeon well and are annoyed by my lack of knowledge or (2) I've researched it and I'm in with people of my level who cast all the wrong stuff and set off the triggers so I'm the one annoyed. After I'd prepared so carefully I didn't want to take the chance that team mates would mess it up and eat through all my dispel TCs.
Now, it could have worked out that my two could have just cast dispels and two others could have done the damage, but I was afraid they'd be casting blades and traps without regard to the number of dispels I'd cast and trigger damage on all of us. It took a long time but worked out well.
Stock up on your dispels, rearrange your deck to feature lower level spells (and leave out AOE spells; waste of pips since she doesn't have a minion) and Colossal, equip to maximize Death resistance and you should have no trouble defeating Young Morganthe.
Membership Deal — Good time to use coupon
I mentioned in the last post that KI is offering a discount for members which you have until December 31 (2015) to use. They're also offering a pretty good membership deal right now: $75/one year plus 13,750 crowns. If you put it in your basket now, you'll can use your discount for it.
This time I got 20% for my discount (it can be 10, 20, 40 or 50%) so it came to $60 for the year of membership plus 13,750 crowns. Last year I got 50% off which was really great but I was quite pleased this time to save $15. It's close to time for my renewal so I'd be getting the membership deal anyway (rather than pay the full price at renewal time); the discount just makes it sweeter.
If you've also been longing for a bundle or a bunch of crowns, you can toss those in your basket and get the discount on that as well, which is really a good deal.
Double Pet Days and New Mount
Check out the 108 points
For day 8 of the 12 Days of the Spiral you have another buying opportunity: there's a new mount, the Polaris Express Mount. They've also launched another Double Pet Rewards but I can't find a clue when it's over. I'm going to guess Sunday (12/13/15) night. Sometimes things go off at 11:59 p.m. CST and sometimes they don't take it off until the morning (around 8 a.m. CST??).
I clicked on the mount to get a glimpse of how it moves. It's really cute, a little steam engine, but it appears to bounce around quite a bit. I've found in the past that I do better with mounts like the broom that move pretty smoothly. Mounts that do a lot of bouncing around tend to make me feel sick when I watch the movement as my wizards travels around on it. It's 4500 Crowns and not available for gold.
Double Pet Rewards can be a great time to complete training — every snack provides double the usual experience, every game can give 8 points XP instead of 4 maximum. With mega snacks you can level up pets really fast while this lasts so take advantage!
Summon Pixie Gardening Spell
Summon Pixie is a gardening spell available from Charley, the Krokotopia gardening trainer. It costs 175,000 gold, requires gardening rank 10, and takes 25 energy points to cast. When cast on a plant, the plant gets a Pixie which lasts for 48 hours. Pixies, of course, are a "like" for most plants and if there's one Pixie in a group of plants that fits within one pest spell, all the plants will pick up the "like" for the Pixie.
For a long time I ignored it for a variety of reasons. When my first wizard got to Krokotopia, the idea of having 175,000 gold was laughable. The thought of using 25 points to cast one garden spell… absurd. And, of course, none of my wizards have been anywhere near rank 10 in gardening when they first reached Krokotopia. In fact, sometimes they've just gotten to level 12 and eligibility for gardening. People who skip side quests in WC haven't even gotten to gardening when they arrive in KT.
So I've relied on the iffy chance of a pixie on Tiger Lily by planting TLs near every plot. But the last double gardening days was pretty short and I figured I needed Pixies for sure to have any chance of getting some crops to elder harvest. By now each account has at least one wizard at level 60 or above who has energy gear of some sort–which means enough energy to cast a spell that takes 25 energy points– and a couple who've been doing extensive gardening–which means most of my wizards have a lot of gold.
The spell can only be cast on young and mature plants. To help with the energy issue, when plants first get to young they generally don't have any needs for a while so you can cast the Pixie without having to cast anything else and by the time you need to take care of needs and pests, the Pixie is already there. Unfortunately since it only lasts 48 hours, you'll have to cast it again after the plants are mature and also require all their needs to be met so you need a fair amount of energy. Since I can't afford to buy energy elixir all the time, only my higher level wizards can use the spell.
I'm hazy as to why the spell is available in Krokotopia when nobody who's just gotten there is eligible to get it. Nor do they have enough energy to use it or enough gold to buy it, unless they have higher level wizards on the account who are passing things to sell. I also think the pixie should last for the life of the plant after you've spent 25 energy points to put it on there (not to mention that insane price to buy the spell). For Evil Magma Peas, which fairly quickly reach elder harvest if they have all the likes, I have to cast it twice. Some plants would need it something like five or more times.
Now that I have it, though, I do think it's worth adding. I can just cast one on an Evil Magma Pea (they don't attract pixies on their own) and dispense with the Tiger Lily on the side. It has to be cast once more if I want a Pixie all the way to elder harvest which means the wizard has to have enough energy to cast the Pixie and still cast the other spells. Morgan D., for instance, at level 80 has plenty of energy to cast the pixie and still take care of needs as long as I don't have her growing several patches of plants at once. All my level 50+ wizards now have it and I'm glad I finally tried it.
Wizard101 What Triggers May Cast Gardening Pixie
Source: https://leighswizard101.wordpress.com/category/wizard101-on-a-budget/page/4/
Posted by: johnsonfrowleall.blogspot.com
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