
What Anime Has The Guy Who Shoots Finger Guns And Killed

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Look out! He's got... a finger?


You've seen this before. A person imitates a gun with his hand. May be used for a Brandishment Bluff, when they pretend to accept a real gun.

In more comedic series, the gun volition really fire something, resulting in a Finger-Poke of Doom.

For more information, see Uncyclopedia. Please, please do not confuse with "Fingerbang", regardless of what South Park tells y'all.

Run across also Giving Someone the Pointer Finger. Bodily guns built into the fingers belong under Finger Firearms.

Examples of Finger Gun include:


  • This inexplicably banned Xbox 360 commercial takes this trope and turns it Upward to 11.


  • Recurring motif with Spike from Cowboy Bebop. In fact, it's the last matter he does in the Goggle box series.
  • I of the Contractors in episode 23 of Darker Than Blackness is shown to have this as her power. She uses information technology to send a safety band through a auto and precisely go through a man'southward skull.
  • When L showtime meets the task strength in Death Note, he pretends to shoot them like this, proverb that, if he were Kira, they'd exist dead already.
    • In the jokier four-panel comics, he does this, and so twists his manus round into an "50" shape.
  • Heero gives ane to Zechs in Gundam Wing.
  • In Eden of the Due east, Kondo the detective does this in his Establishing Character Moment, a sniper shoots at his target just equally he says "bang". Likewise during the climax, Akira does the same thing to the missiles every bit they're being shot down.
  • Lockon Stratos of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 does this. It's likewise the concluding thing he did, before he died.
  • In One Slice, CP9 are masters of Rokushiki, one grade of which is Shigan (Literally "Finger Gun") where they employ this fashion of finger pose, just instead of firing anything, they stab people with their fingers, which go as powerful as bullets.
    • Boa Hancock's Pistol Kiss technique allows her to blow a buss from her fingertip similar a bullet. She has a large-scale variation of this technique chosen the Slave Arrow.
    • Ace'due south fire gun and Franky's "Ouch Finger".
  • In Trigun, Vash the Stampede uses his fingers to pretend that information technology'southward a gun in order to threaten the Villain of the Episode, and then "shoots" it off once the Mexican Standoff has ended.
  • In the manga version of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Bandit Keith mimes Russian Roulette in front of Joey in this way as a style of referencing simply how crappy he's seen his life get. Later on on, when he threatens Pegasus at gunpoint, Pegasus smacks him with a Penalization Game which has him mime Russian Roulette once more, and lose. And then he dies, because Your Mind Makes It Real.
  • Yu Yu Hakusho gives united states a non-comedic version of the "gun really fires" variant: The Spirit Gun.
    • Several characters do the regular version also, including a specially memorable one from Keiko.
  • Wild Arms Twilight Venom: This is done twice in the first episode.
    • Get-go time it'south subverted Loretta and Mirabelle to Kiel, using a bottle with fabric over it. Although Kiel looks effectually and strikes upward a semi-friendly conversation with them.
    • At the end it's played directly, Cheyenne (even though he has his super-powerful ARM) uses his finger confronting the warden of the prison he was stuck in. Since the prison house is a floating island (using magnetic rocks), this makes the Warden take his fear of heights accept over, and end upward falling off the cliff.
  • In Naruto, when Suigetsu is introduced he puts one to Sasuke's head afterward sneaking upwardly behind him to examination his nerves... even though guns don't exist.
    • Later, the Second Mizukage uses this every bit a technique, actually firing a piercing water bullet. He says the technique is used by the Hozuki clan, which Suigetsu is from, retroactively implying he was either preparing to use or at to the lowest degree referencing information technology the aforementioned scene.
  • Gauron does this in Full Metal Panic with his Humongous Mecha, doing it as the focal betoken of a Wave Motion Gun-class smash with his Lambda Commuter.
  • Hild from Ah! My Goddess does a variant of this in one affiliate of the manga, she puts her finger to her head in a finger gun shape and shouts "bang!" and collapses. She does this in order to extract a crystalized fragment of herself out of her trunk.
  • Chizuru from Yumekui Merry does the finger gun a few times, saying "blindside" while doing it.
  • Mana in Mahou Sensei Negima seems to exist able to shoot small bursts of spiritual free energy in this mode (for situations when she somehow can't reach her handguns quickly enough).
  • Star Platinum from JoJo'southward Bizarre Adventure can extend its alphabetize finger to long distances with bullet-like speed and tends to make this pose when doing so.
  • This is Lamba'due south primary weapon in Dangaioh. The Dangaioh itself lacks this simply gains a Power Palm through her instead.
  • Bakemonogatari: Meme Oshino does this once, putting his fingers to his caput in the shape of a gun.


  • A Bronze Age Superman story had Terra-Human lure Supes into an Alternating Universe where magic dominates instead of science. Terra-Homo's doppelganger in that location but shoots magical bolts out of his finger instead of using a gun.


  • Crank doubly subverts the "it actually fires" aspect: Chev Chelios breaks the collision by miming shooting ane of the henchmen, who proceeds to fall over dead with a bullet in his head. Information technology's later revealed to be a shot from some other people who are also enemies of the Big Bad.
    • It receives a callback in Crank 2, with a man who Chev Chelios was interrogating at finger-point of a sudden develops a bullet wound to the caput. Chev and so examines his finger with some surprise, as though information technology were an bodily gun.
  • In Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood's character does this to a passing automobile
  • In the film Serendipity, the bored sales clerk played by Eugene Levy does this in the warehouse. The director'south commentary explains that this is quite out of the ordinary for a bored sales clerk, and so he'd want to inject a piffling drama into the state of affairs.
  • In Star Trek, Kirk "fires" his gun in sync to the firing of proton torpedoes during the Kobayashi Maru.
  • In Time Bandits, when Og is trying to escape from Evil, Evil uses his mitt as an actual Finger Gun, pulling back on his pollex and forefinger equally if they were the hammer of a gun and firing transformation blasts to plough Og into a one-half-pig.
  • Mr. Edible bean does this in his first movie, Edible bean. At the airdrome. The security guards were not amused.
    • The tie-in volume Mr. Bean'due south Scrapbook gives his side of the story: "I was arrested for the illegal possession of an imaginary gun. I don't know what all the fuss is about, information technology only fires imaginary bullets!"
  • In Busty Cops due to the lack of a upkeep during the final showdown a cop had to become gunless and had to hold her easily equally a gun. There's an incredibly faux spark when information technology fires.
  • "Shooter" McGavin in Happy Gilmore fires his finger at the pigsty when he sinks a ball every bit his douchebag calling carte.
  • In Blackbeard's Ghost, the titular ghost has a concrete presence, only is invisible to anybody except the protagonist. When he uses Finger Gun on some criminals, Blackbeard knocks them out, creating the impression that it really worked.
  • In The Losers, Jensen eludes a trio of guards by pretending to accept telekinetic powers, which he demonstrates past taking out two of the guards with his Finger Gun. The guards didn't know that his pal Cougar was watching.
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the Earth has Kim fake suicide when viewing especially stupid things past pointing a finger gun at her caput, making a "Blam!" audio, and falling over.
    • Also from Scott Pilgrim: the literal mitt guns of the vegan police.
  • Paul Kersey does this at the thugs at cease of the first Death Wish flick in a freeze frame shot, signifying that his days every bit "Mr. Vigilante" are not yet over.
  • The 2007 Transformers movie has an Autobot/Decepticon boxing taking place over a crowded throughway. Cut to a car with two boys in it, pretending to shoot at the car side by side to them. So the car they are aiming at explodes, followed promptly past 2 30 foot tall giant robots engaged in a running gun battle charging by. Effort not to approximate whether the car they were pretending to shoot at really held two more friends who were pretending to shoot back.
  • In Chronicle Andrew uses his telekineses to knock downwardly a hoodlum, punctuating it by pointing his finger and firing.
  • At the end of climactic scene in Taxi Driver, Travis Bickle pretends to exist shooting himself with a Finger Gun when cops arrive.


  • Jay 'Popinjay' Ackroyd in the Wild Cards series has the ability to teleport other people or objects (just not himself). Unremarkably, for his power to work he employ his hand equally a Finger Gun and 'shoot' at his target.
  • A rather cute exchange between Tycho and Wedge involves one of these in Legacy of the Forcefulness.

Live Action TV

  • Used in a demonstration for an episode of CSI.
  • Nice twist on How I Met Your Mother: Robin finger-shoots herself in the head, and Barney next to her wipes her imaginary brains off his face.
  • An On the Lot entry film, Dice Hardly Working, takes this to the ludicrous extreme.
  • An episode of The Office concluded with a Mexican Standoff, including no less than viii finger guns when Michael, Dwight, Andy and Pam got a trivial too caught up in a murder mystery game.
  • Existent Men : Hopeless suburbanite John Ritter tries to use a finger gun to cover super amanuensis Jim Belushi during a gun fight. Ritter comes to believe that the finger gun works when Belushi coincidentally fires at the aforementioned target. Later, an enemy is so surprised by the finger gun that he backs into a sharp stick and dies. Finally, the Big Bad is shot by a small-scale character who was believed to be expressionless, leading Belushi to believe it works.
  • An episode of Spaced features ii epic finger gun battles, even throwing imaginary grenades and knives into the mix. The second fight has the two main characters engaging in a fight with some kids trying to mug them, and getting away while the muggers were playing expressionless. Finger-guns are Serious Business.
  • In Warehouse 13, a policeman mimics shooting himself in the caput this way.
  • Veronica Mars uses this at Sheriff Lamb in the pilot episode.
  • Heroes had a graphic symbol who had this power, it was strong enough to make glasses shatter. He only appeared in a flashback episode, as Sylar tore his skull off, then never used his power. Presumably because it'southward one of the stupidest powers to ever appear in the series.
  • Quark pulls one on Star Expedition: Deep Space Nine, "Petty Green Men." Every bit part of their endeavor(s) to become out of authorities imprisonment, he threatens to shoot his "earnest" Nurse Garland...


Gen. Denning: With your finger?

Quark: With my expiry ray.

Denning: It looks similar a finger to me.


  • Liddy, the crooked cop in the fifth season of Dexter, aims his finger at a random kid in one scene simply for the hell of it.
  • The Adventures of Superman had Superman (as Clark Kent) jab his finger into the back of a mobster, who assumed Clark had pulled a gun on him. He actually said to the cheat that it might be just his finger, and the gangster replied, "I know steel when I feel information technology."
  • In Justifed when Big Bad Quarles points his left mitt at you it is actually a very serious threat. He has a leap-loaded sleeve gun strapped to his left arm and when his arm is in that position he can accept a real gun in his hand in the blink of an eye. When he is pointing his paw at you he is actually considering if he should shoot you for real.
  • In a first flavor episode of Cougar Town, Jules uses a finger gun on her head and uses her other hand to mimic the other side of her head getting blown off. In flavour two, finger gun "suicides" (and murder-suicides) become rather common. Then in that location's the "truth guns"...


  • Similar to the Xbox 360 commercial mentioned higher up, this forms the climactic boxing in the video for "Country Song" by Seether (in a western setting with the band dressed as cowboys). Afterwards his ring-mate is shot downwards, the pb-singer does a brief Skyward Scream before pulling out an invisible Gatling gun, mowing down everybody left before being abducted by aliens. The video takes place in the imagination of a piddling male child, and everybody involved are but toys.

New Media

  • When the Nostalgia Critic, Linkara and Spoony teamed up for their Alone in the Night review Spoony had to resort to this because he didn't have a signature gun like those the two others had.
  • Uncyclopedia refers to this as a handgun, though we already have a trope with that name.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series makes fun of the fact that guns were edited out and as a result it looks like characters are waving finger guns. "Don't move, or we'll shoot you with our invisible guns!"
    • After Yami Bakura kills Zombie Boy with an invisible gun past pointing his finger.
  • In a Rooster Teeth short showing "bloopers" of previous shots, 1 such blooper has one of the guys doing this to a co-worker, and accidentally shooting him with live ammunition. The outset guy then turns it on himself, with the same results.
  • Whateley Universe instance: the supervillain Arrow has telekinetic powers, and prefers to nail people with a Finger Gun style. In "Ayla and the Birthday Brawl" he manages to take out nigh half of Team Kimba.
  • In Gym Class by Olde English Comedy, a Finger Gun fight breaks out during gym, complete with gunshot sounds, claret, and most of the bandage ending upwards dead.
  • In the 4th Asdfmovie the child mugs the mugger using his finger guns. The mugger lampshades that it doesn't make any sense.

Video Games

  • This is Ocelot's shtick in Metal Gear Solid 4.
    • It'southward been a signature mannerism of his throughout the whole series. "You lot're pretty good, kid."
    • In Metal Gear Online, players who depict Liquid Ocelot accept admission to his unique Guns of the Patriots weapon, which is a Finger Gun. He points information technology at enemies and says "bang", and locks their weapons for a few seconds.
  • In Team Fortress ii, the Heavy Weapons Guy has this as one of his taunts, and information technology can insta-kill anyone unlucky enough to be in his line of fire.
  • Reisen from Touhou was shown doing this (kinda...) on official art, and thus it became her personal gesture in Fanon. She also actually shoots bullets this way on the Fighting Game Spin-offs. Of course, they're not actually bullets, it's magical danmaku.
  • Main Hand from Super Smash Bros. tin can fire up to three missiles in a row from its finger guns.
  • Subverted in Fallout 2. No projectile comes out but Algernon reacts like 1 did. Non a good idea if you lot value his services. Poor guy.
  • Aquila does this in Final Fantasy XI's Wings of the Goddess storyline. It fires. He kills 3 out of 9 Cait Siths with information technology, and potentially your party when yous come to fight him.
  • Gabe Cunningham of Trauma Team does this, nigh likely as a Shout-Out to Cowboy Bebop.
  • Beating Dead Space 2'southward Hardcore way earns the "Manus Cannon." It is a red foam finger. The primary fire is "bang blindside," and the secondary is "pew pew pew." The weapon's description is "Real space. Existent terror. Real foam." When Isaac points and fires, he actually says "bang bang" and "pew pew." The Hand Cannon obliterates Necromorphs quite nicely.
  • In Curiosity vs. Capcom 3, ane of Deadpool'south moves has him shouting "Blindside Bang BANG!" like he's using a finger gun whilst firing ii pistols making the very dissonance he'due south imitating.


  • Cecil of Ronin Galaxy holds up a thug with his fingers instead of a real gun. Which he then gain to dial him with.

Western Blitheness

  • Inspector Gadget has a gadget for every finger, including a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation on his pointer finger.
  • An episode of The Real Ghostbusters had the spectres of the Earps doing this instead of having, uh, ghostly revolvers. Probably the work of Moral Guardians.
  • Goofy finger-guns himself in the head after missing an like shooting fish in a barrel putt in the Classic Disney Short "How to Play Golf game." Yes, it goes off. And yes, he simply gets singed.
  • When the boys from Due south Park were playing law, they used Finger Guns. When they were deputized by the real police and sent in to bust a meth lab, and later to have down the leader of a drug ring, they used Finger Guns every bit well.
    • This was what they thought the phrase "Finger Blindside" meant, and thus what they named the Male child Band they formed.
  • The season one finale of Total Drama Island has a more realistic use of this. While being forced to listen to Harold's long and boring speech about beavers Noah pretends to shoot himself with a Finger Gun, even making a bullet sound to get with it.
  • In Johnny Bravo during the episode the titular character partakes in a marathon, the guy with the starting time gun uses this trope instead, pointing in the air and shouting "BANG!" and results in smoke ascent from his finger tip. He stares confusedly at his finger while a dead bird falls from the sky.
    • Also in the pilot episode, the mugger sticks up the gorilla with a finger gun.
  • An episode of Futurama features the characters playing a virtual game of laser tag, in which the Finger Gun is the chief weapon. Fry at i bespeak even uses a "Fist Shotgun", "cocking" his wrist with his other hand and unleashing a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation blast.
  • In the Tex Avery-directed drawing "The First Bad Man", when his real gun runs out of bullets, Dinosaur Dan uses his ain finger as a gun instead.
  • This trope gets spoofed rather viciously on Family Guy. Turns out Paris has a lot of mime on mime violence.


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