
Decorating Christmas Presents On Paper

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  • Who cares what's inside? Even a pound shop present will look a million dollars when you dress it up with these Christmas gift wrapping ideas

    Make your Christmas presents extra special this year by giving them a more personal feel. With our simple tips and tricks you can wrap your presents so beautifully, no one will want to open them!

    Whether you make your wrap from scratch or simply embellish existing papers, these gift wrapping ideas will get your creative juices flowing.

    All the festive inspiration your could need: Christmas ideas

    1. Add a fabric ribbon


    Image credit: Future plc

    To quote one of our favourite festive films Arthur Christmas: 'There is always time for a bow!' It is worthwhile throughout the year building up a box of ribbons from presents or things you've bought. A fabric bow is a quick and easy way to turn an ordinary present into something luxurious.

    2. Weave a paper wrap together

    gift wrapping ideas

    Image credit: Future plc

    If you don't have any ribbon lying around, you can jazz up brown paper with a present wrap made out of leftover pieces of wrapping paper. Cut scraps of wrapping into twelve long strips. Weave the strips together with six of the pieces of paper going vertically and the other six horizontally. Wrap the woven paper wrap around the present and secure at one end.

    3. Wrap it up in a carol


    Image credit: Polly Eltes

    4. Get craft with wooden pegs


    Image credit: Future Plc

    Wooden pegs are a genius way to add a splash of personality to a present in seconds. You can jazz up plain white paper bags by pegging a sparkly silver star to the front. It takes seconds without any messy glue or sellotape insight. They are also perfect for attached gift labels to ribbon, clip in a piece of foliage for the extra wow factor.

    5. Stick to a colour theme


    Image credit: TI Media

    An easy way to create a perfect-looking pile of presents is to decide on a palette of two or three colours – and stick to it. Jewel-coloured blues and greens, combined with gold, look wonderful under a tree, 'Throw in a little glitter, too, to truly make your parcels sparkle,' suggests Louise Lee, Christmas buyer at Wyevale Garden Centres.

    6. Get green fingered with shrubbery


    Image credit: Simon Brown

    Everyone loves to bring the outdoors inside at Christmas – the tree, wreaths and mantelpiece garlands. So why not introduce it to your present wrapping, too? Conifer leaves, eucalyptus, berries or pine cones can all be incorporated using ribbon or twine. You could also try foodie items like dried oranges or cinnamon sticks.

    7. Bag it up


    Avoid the usual wrapping paper in favour of cellophane pockets, paper bags, oversized envelopes or miniature hessian sacks. Cut the edges to create a pretty scalloped pattern, decorate with stamps, tags and ribbon, and get people smiling before they've even opened the present.

    8. Add a flourish with old newspapers and magazines


    Image credit: Simon Scarboro

    Wrap presents in plain paper and cut out Christmas shapes from newspaper, magazines or even wallpaper remnants and stick on as decorations. Look out for paper cutters in festive shapes to make the job easier.

    9. Personalise with old photographs


    For a fun way for guests to find their presents, wrapped in simple brown paper and create a name tag using an old photocopied onto thick paper or card. It's a good excuse to look through cheesy old photos of relatives!

    10. Fold in some Japanese pleats


    Image credit: David Giles

    Try your hand at stylish origami. To get the look, cut a piece of wrapping paper double the size needed to cover your present. With the paper facing down, fold a 2cm pleat along the short bottom edge. Fold the paper in on itself four more times, then flip the paper over and unfold, so you can see the lines marking each fold.

    Next, pinch the first line and fold it down to create a smaller pleat below. Repeat along each line so you have a series of small pleats. Turn the paper over and use a strip of tape to hold the pleats down. Now place your gift in the centre of the paper and pull the pleated edge to the top of the present. Continue to wrap as normal and complete with a length of Baker's twine.

    11. Have fun with washi tape


    Image credit: Simon Whitmore

    For a simple but creative way to decorate your presents use wash tape. Wrap gifts in plain brown or white paper and pick washi tape in bold bright colours to make them stand out. Experiment Use tape to customise your wrapping, creating bunting, bows and stripes.

    Related: 10 ways to brighten up your home with washi tape

    12. Doodle your own design


    Image credit: David Giles

    By wrapping your presents in simple black paper you can doodle over them freehand to create a beautiful parcel without the hassle of tying ribbons. Here, we've used a white marker pen to draw a wreath, holly, stars and festive messages and banners. We're big fans of this chalkboard style!

    13. Go dotty with double layers


    Image credit: David Giles

    Wrap your gifts once in colourful tissue paper, then take a sheet of Kraft brown paper, and using a paper drill, make holes in it. Wrap the piece of punched brown paper over the tissue paper, and tape in place. Tie with coordinating raffia to finish it off.

    14. Keep one thing the same


    Image credit: David Giles

    Create a uniform motif that runs across all your gifts, like these DIY paper bows. This consistent embellishment allows you to cover your presents in any old mismatched wrap, including newspaper or Kraft paper. But as an ensemble under the tree, they'll still look smart and matchy matchy!

    15. Say it with stamped paper

    Video Of The Week


    Image credit: Ania Wawrzkowicz

    More last-minute decorating: 8 ways with Christmas place settings

    Here's a really affordable way to create as much wrapping paper as you need. Just take some plain white paper and decorate with a librarian's date stamp – you could try the same trick for a birthday. Letter beads let you add a personal message.

    Right, time to get wrapping!

    Decorating Christmas Presents On Paper


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